It’s been my experience that really, really wealthy people are a bit nutty. Most people know that even if they’ve never met really, really wealthy people. So we collectively and instinctively know there’s money in the extremes.
And it’s these extremes you see people appealing to these days. Appealing to the extremes is always a sign of desperation!
The vast majority of the population lives in the reasonable middle. Resonate with the middle of the market and you’re as golden as Wal*Mart or as profitable as Apple or as popular as Adele. That’s the middle 70% of the market… the fat part of the bell curve.
But businesses and political leaders know that they can make a quick buck by appealing to an extreme, where someone with deep pockets will fund them. The logic is that even if their political position or business isn’t good enough to make it with the general population… if you go far enough to one of the crazy extrmemes some billionaire will fund you.
Dollar Per Person
It’s a dollar-per-person game. If you appeal to the middle 70% you can get $20 or $30 per person. But if you appeal to a nutty billionaire you can increase that to $5 million per person.
That’s why some Christian organizations can be so extreme and survive with so little support. And that’s why a couple of the Republican candidates are still in the race. They aren’t good enough to appeal to the middle, where actual viability is. But if they move far enough to the extremes where a sugar daddy will fund them.
Unfortunately for the extremes… the middle always wins in the long run. Getting popular always moves you to the middle. Why? Because that’s what most of us are.
The reasonable middle.
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