As I mentioned on Friday, I went on our high school ministries Men’s Retreat. 70 dudes went out to the desert of Imperial County to share life, eat meat, blow things up, and connect with God.
Brian Berry makes this trip look easy. It’s not. Merely surviving in rustic conditions like that is tough enough. (This year we had gusty winds, sometimes exceeding 40 miles per hour.)
But Danny Bowers & Brian also add components to the weekend so the participants can engage with God. This is truly a gift I am thankful to witness.
The things they add in intentionally takes what has happened in participants heads and hearts and cements it with a physical memory.
Obviously, not much of this trip is transferrable to any culture. As I mentioned on Friday, this thing is an exhibition of cultural exegesis, it works because young men raised in East County San Diego go to the desert with their dad’s and friends. But there are elements which make this not just a fun experience but a faith building memory making machine.
Some of these “types of things” are very transferrable into just about any ministry context. So yes, adapt these and add them into your next retreat!
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