Joys and Terrors of Immersion

The fact that you read yesterday’s post yesterday is just one of the many amazing things about today.

Lets start there.

This morning we started at the World Vision regional headquarters in Bulawayo. There we got a brief tour of their office and prayed with the staff there. From there we drove to the Insiza Area Development Program (ADP) office to get a briefing of the work we’d be seeing. Then it was decided to make the drive out to visit a dam project on the far end of the district.

As we were zipping along in 3 vehicles, the cruiser in front of us had stopped to take picture of some roadside cattle. (It’s common for them to be on the road.) When we stopped I popped on my phone and looked at the screen… It magically said, “EcoNet 3G.” I quickly turned on the WordPress app and uploaded the post just as we left the tiny hotspot.

That was the only data signal I had all day.


– we saw a dam project which now helps 172 farmers irrigate their fields.
– we talked to a lot of concerned farmers, rain levels are dangerously low. And as they were talking to us it began to pour. (Thanks for showing off, Jesus.) what was joyful about that? Their optimism.
– we heard, in great detail, about how the ADP is completing its work in Insiza. What was once a place where hunger and disease were common, there is now a lot of tangible signs of long term, sustainable development within the community. Most of that work is currently done by locals!
– we met a family whose life is visibly better because of the work of the ADP. The father irrigates his fields and has more food for the family, the children are heathy and getting education, and they are a very happy, heathy family! One thing that I appreciated about seeing them was how much WVs work had helped them maintain the culture & traditions. Awesome.
– our team is doing great. Everyone is basically healthy, we are in high spirits and laughing all the time.
– we changed hotels. The new place is very rural and quaint. Dinner is home cooked and was pretty decent.


I’m all about conquering fears and trying new things. When I was told about the new hotel I was gun ho about it, especially since its 40 minutes closer to the ADP.

But let me tell you I’m terrified tonight. I’m in a room by myself, there are lots of wild noises outside which are only barely drown out by the rains.

To make it harder, when I came back to my room tonight I was greeted by several large spiders and lizards. (2 things that really scare me.)

So I doubt I will sleep much tonight. Currently, I’ve got the light on and I’ve set up my Eno hammock across the room. (Who knows what is in or under this bed!) I am praying sleep finds me tonight.

Just as I wrote that a lizard ate the smaller of the spiders.

Better? We shall see.






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