21 days, 77 days

Waiting in baggage claim on Thursday night I opened up Tripit, an iOS app I use to track all of my travel details. Here’s what it said.

While exhausted from being gone from July 5th through July 26th– 3 amazing trips covering thousands of miles and investing in incredible things— I got really excited about not going anywhere for the next 77 days.

First there were 6 days in Chicago. I was able to bring Megan (12) along. We explored the city of her birth, spent time with family, and did some work with Andrew & Brenda for their new project, the Tension Series.

Next was our family vacation to Yosemite. Yose is one of those special places on earth, protected from development, stunning in its raw beauty. This was only our second trip and we’re already planning to go back next summer. We spent a week playing, exploring, having campfires, making up stories, playing board games, and splashing in the river.

Then, on July 20th, we drove home and Kristen dropped me off at the airport for a red eye flight to Port-au-Prince. It was amazing to see all of the teams, partnering with local churches, serving the newly empowered church in bold, practical, and beautiful ways.

So now I’m home. Back to our families sacred routines. Church on Friday night, Farmers Market on Saturday, family Sabbath time on Sunday afternoon, Kristen and I have a work date on Monday while our sitter takes over.

Of course, being home from 21 days of travel also means I’m back to my regular work schedule. Back to the grind of love. Back to phone calls and projects and publishing and event management and shipping orders and all of that.  In the same breath I have to admit that this reality doesn’t stress me out.

Sure, I enjoyed the break, but I am also looking forward to being home, as well.






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