
I think most people block their own paths to success. They know what they need to do. They have the opportunity. But they put up limits on themselves, thus sabotaging their potential.

Some of it might be external:

  • They don’t have a family history of success.
  • They’ve not been empowered or educated to make the right choices.
  • They might not have had anyone recognize their potential and encourage them.

I’m not a big fan of those external excuses though. Sure, some of us are more advantaged in those categories than others. But, as someone from a disadvantaged past, that’s just as easily an excuse as it is a reality. Plenty of people overcome worse. Plenty.

Most of it is internal:

  • They self-impose limits on themselves.
  • They fall into self-destructive habits.
  • They surround themselves with idiots.
  • They refuse outside help.
  • They are overcome by a negative competitive spirit.

And you know what? I find that some people just refuse to succeed. They’ll get on the path towards achieving their goals or seeing their dreams become a reality.

And, for some reason they just… don’t.

It’s self-sabotage.

What’s the point? It’s easy to blame others. It’s easy to blame your history. But it’s real hard to look at yourself as the biggest limiter of yourself.

Stop making excuses. Overcome it.






One response to “Sabotage!”

  1. jesseblasdel Avatar

    Good stuff. Hits me between the eyes this morning!

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