Category: management

  • Leading to the edges

    Entrepreneurs get this. Start-up businesses get this. New franchises get this. Church planters get this. But no one in an older business, church, franchise, or industry can comprehend this. You have grown your audience as much within what you are doing today as you will ever grow it. You primary demographic already knows about you…

  • Rounding 3rd

    A few years ago I was on the church softball team. Being a church league for adults it was mostly filled with people who used to be able to play well, but time and a few extra pounds had lowered their skill level down a lot lower than their imaginations thought they were. In other…

  • Responding to Stress

    Here are a few categories of responses to job stress. I think I’ve exhibited them all in the past 3 months. – The ostrich: This person looks at the stress at work and just sticks their head into their own work, trying to ignore anything else that goes on. This can be good because at…

  • The Fall of GM- a visual map

    HT to

  • The McLane Stimulus Plan

    Since it’s clear the Obama Administration is going to be giving 100% of the stimulus money to failed companies like GM and AIG and nothing in cash to the middle class, Kristen and I had to make our own bail out plan. (Sorry for the dig on Obama, I was a big fan of Bush’s…

  • Re-branding the Recession

    Are you tired of the recession yet? Maybe it comes from living in Detroit and hearing how the economy was slowing down for 3 straight years before the rest of the country went into recession? If you want to play an interesting game, take bets before the nightly news starts on how many news stories…

  • One-Two Punch of Leaders

    I’ve been thinking about leadership a lot lately as I reflect on the type of leader that I tend to follow. More to the point, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the type of leader I aspire to be. Let’s start with what I hate. I hate the Donald Trump-type of leader.The ego driven…

  • Goodnight Gospelcom Alliance

    I was pretty excited to have Youth Ministry Exchange join the GCI Alliance back in 2006. In fact, we made a big deal about telling people with over 100 guesses as to what the big surprise was all about. I sensed in the last few months things weren’t going well… staff leaving for other places…

  • Finding a church home: Journey Community Church

    Several weeks ago I shared that our family would document the church search process. And this past weekend that search continued as we attended Journey Community Church in La Mesa.  It’s worth pointing out right away that a ton of people I work with go to Journey and suggested that we check it out. Everyone…

  • Finding a church home: Kaleo Church

    Our first stop on the search took us to Kaleo Church that meets at the AMC 20 in the Mission Valley Mall. Obviously, this being the first one we’ve visited it was pretty high on our list of places to explore. And we weren’t disappointed. Parking is a non-issue obviously. The location is easy enough…