Category: illustrations
The last couple of weeks have been stressful. Work stuff piled up as an ever growing to-do list was at war with two very firm deadlines. Stress built, tension built, and I was an emotional wreck. One day last week I started working at 6:00 am and largely sat in the same place steadily working…
Put up or shut up
I’m from Indiana. A big part of my childhood involved playing basketball in driveways. From the time the ice melted until we could hear the band playing and crowd cheering from Notre Dame stadium all we did was play basketball. We’d get off the bus and play 21. We’d have breakfast on Saturday then play…
Book Cover: How to Share Your Faith on a Plane
[download id=”15″] I have a knack for getting an empty seat next to me when I fly Southwest. On more than 60% of my 2010 flights I sat in the window seat and had an empty middle seat. In January 2011, I flew with Southwest 11 times and had an empty middle seat 7 times.…
Printable Lent Signs
This week we taught our kids about lent. So now that lent has begun, we wanted to make sure that we kept the long 40 days in front of us. With that in mind I made some sweet signs to hang up around the house. That way, if we see someone cheating we can kindly…
Abram’s Call: An advent monologue
[Lights up] [The main character, Abram, walking his dog through his middle class neighborhood.] [His phone rings, the ringtone is Usher’s OMG] [Abram bounces his head to the song as he pulls the phone out of his pocket.] [Abram’s glances at the caller ID and stops cold. He raises his eyebrow for a brief second,…
Opportunities Stomach
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5 These were the words of Paul to the Colossian church. He was wrapping up his letter to them with a few tidbits of sage advice. Like bits of dessert after a Holy Spirit inspired meal. Those words have…
Wanted: Dream Chasers
My favorite story in the Bible, hands down, is that of Joseph. I’ve read Genesis 37-50 about 100 times. It never gets old! From the first reading of the story until today, I’ve always wanted to be like Joseph. Dream on, dreamer! Take it from this dreamer… dreams do come true. May God grant you the…
To Eat More, Guess Less
Kristen and I are completing our first year of transforming our backyard into an organic garden. The first year has been full of fun harvests and humiliating defeats. If we’ve learned anything about gardening in the first year it is this principle: To eat more, you need to guess less. We’ve learned that when we…
Moments of Awe
Awesome is one of my favorite words. While my day is full of moments of awesome there are only a few moments in life described by the word awe. Here’s a few… Hearing the words, “I’m pregnant” from your wife. (Trust me, as much “awe” is created the first time at 24 as at 34…