My life Since 2003
  • One Year In

    One Year In

    It’s been a year since I’ve got involved in working with asylum seekers at the border. Remember the migrant caravan? That was a year ago.  And I think we need a reset. Let’s get back to the basic question of, “Why are people coming here to seek asylum?”  Here’s where I want to start. The…

  • Start Saving for College Today

    Adults, can we have a conversation? Less than 5 percent of Americans have college savings accounts, and those who do are far wealthier than average. How Paying for College Is Changing Middle-Class Life, Caitlin ZaloomSource How in the world are Kristen and I unicorns because we saved for college?

  • Why We Don’t Need Assembly Bill 272

    Why We Don’t Need Assembly Bill 272

    On May 10th, San Diego State University professor Jean Twenge wrote a piece in the San Diego Union-Tribune “Phone-free schools? Students need distraction-free learning” wherein she argued that the California State Legislature would be wise to pass Assembly Bill 272.

  • On Mother’s Day

  • Días de las Madres

  • Matching Scandals: How college admissions and criminalization of asylum seekers are linked

    You all see the connection between the college admissions scandal and locking up asylum seekers like criminals, right? It’s obvious, right?

  • Justice is a Funny Thing

    Justice is a Funny Thing

    Watching Megan go through the college admissions process has been really hard. On the one hand, I fully get why we have quotas and the need for diversity. I support it. If I were an elected official I’d vote for affirmative action in college admissions every time. Why? Because achievement isn’t just a personal accomplishment…

  • Now that college admissions season is over

    Now that college admissions season is over

    College admissions season is officially over until October.  Having gone through it for the first time I can confirm a few things:  The college admissions system is broken from top to bottom.  There’s no silver bullet or obvious solution for fixing it on the horizon. It’s way more complex than it should be. It’s way…

  • What Makes America Great is Diversity

    What Makes America Great is Diversity

    Seeking asylum is legal. Receiving asylum seekers is who we are. Diversity of race, religion, and ethnicity is what makes our country great. Adam McLane

  • College Admissions Process Reflection

    College Admissions Process Reflection

    Yesterday, our eldest child received the last of her college admission decisions. She was with a friend and after she sent us texts to update and react to the decision the next thing she sent us was, “It’s over!” Amen. Hallelujah.  This process is technically from October to March 31st, but in actuality it started…