Category: Politics
Open System Health Care
I don’t know about you, but I’m growing a little tired of the lack of progress and new ideas coming forth for health care reform. I wonder if instead of making private citizens scream at their elected officials we could get those causing the problem to scream, instead? Here’s how. Instead of reforming health insurance…
Following the money trail on health care
Watch the video below, and deny me the fact that the consevative media has been bought in the health care debate. I hate it when video proves the conservative agenda gone array. Or did Glenn Beck suddenly think that his 2008 experience was a lie? As a friend said tonight in our small group, “How…
Questions We Need to Ask about Health Care reform
Let’s face the fact that no one likes the health care system. Doctors hate it. Hospitals hate it. Insurance companies hate it. Employers hate it. Insured employees hate it. Uninsured people hate it. The rich hate it. The poor hate it. I can’t think of the last time that someone stopped me in conversation and…
Bill Clinton is Like Moses
For months there have been efforts to release two journalists arrested in North Korea. They were there to document the humanitarian nightmare that is North Korea when they were picked up and detained. One can assume that the United States has tried for months to secure their release. The two journalists likely found themselves used…
HT to xkcd
Obama at Notre Dame
What do I think about Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame’s commencement? I think it is awesome! While I wasn’t fortunate enough to attend Notre Dame, I did grow up around the campus… spending more than my fair share of time trespassing and dreaming that I could go there. As the largest employer in my…
Republicans Make Strange Bedfellows
Last night I caught a moment of a news story that made me chuckle. Meghan McCain [stinkingly close to my daughters name, by the way!] was the keynote speaker at an event designed to push Republicans to reconsider their position on gay marriage. John McCain’s former campaign boss, Steve Schmidt, took it a step further…
When your leader won’t leave…
The impeachment of Rod Blagojevich is an interesting case for church leaders. What do you do if a former leader refuses to leave? In Rod’s case, the facts of the matter don’t matter nearly as much as the soundbyte. Whether or not he was really selling Obama’s senate spot is unclear. But what was clear…