Category: Science
The positive impact of negative feedback
You are probably a creative. If your principle source of income is the result of stuff that comes out of your brain more than work that you do with your body, you’re a creative. I work with a lot of creatives. Designers, writers, speakers, filmmakers, marketing geeks, thinkers, tinkerers, teachers, pastors… and everything in between.…
Put a ring on it
Go ahead, you know you want to sing it. HT to Dweebist
I need this. Vortext Cannon!
I can think of at least 100 ways this is useful for ministry.
Humans and the pentatonic scale
This absolutely blew my mind. Check out what Bobby can do via audience participation. Not only is this facinating showmanship, it’s fascinating science. How does everyone in the audience just know what to do? World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo. HT to…
Nerdy, but cool!
Fun with Science
Chimps Beat Humans
If you like geek, you’ll like this.
Quote of the Year Candidate
"They’ve eaten everything they can get their mouths around, and now they’re eating each other" Of course, the news story is somewhat serious as some type of African frog is invading a pond in California. Interesting story about meat eating frogs. Article
Web 2.0, what is it and how does it work
This video pretty much captures the way my brain has been working/spinning/thinking. I know it’s hard to believe for some people, but the web as people are getting used to using it has drastically changed in the last few months. It’s called Web 2.0. I’ll provide three easy examples of how Web 2.0 is utilized…
I need this on my laptop!