Tag: Church
The church is shifting
Last weekend I had the opportunity to meet a ton of people for the first time. Convention attendees, authors, speakers, and ministry leaders from across the US. And it was interesting because there was a phenomenon among the conversations that I found fascinating. Somewhere in the conversation there would always be this thread of “do…
The Mission of Less
Planet Wisdom Chicago was great. 2000 kids slammed into a building to be challenged by the word of God is always awesome. Going into it I knew that the team was passionate about the conference and I saw first hand why. It’s really cool! Lives were changed. It doesn’t get any better than that. At…
The stupidity of labels
A couple times a week someone asks me if I’m a liberal or a conservative. So I want to say this loud and clear. My name is Adam McLane, I want my label to be “Christ-follower.” You can call me crazy. You can call me radical. But liberal or conservative are stupid titles. Here’s why…
What’s up with “that church?”
I’ve had several people ask me about the church in Romeo, so here’s a quick update. I know a bunch of people who go there read my blog… so please feel free to fill in the blanks by leaving a comment. Did the church close? Nope, they just changed their name. Do they still have…
Are you fake around your pastor?
Check out this quote. Dear God, I was a pastor for 23 years. It killed me. I am not sure I was every called to it. As you know, the overwhelming numbness finally caved in all around me. Now, I am on the outside of the church looking in and I don’t like what I…
Finding a church home: The Prize
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s look at the grand prize and see what churches in San Diego would get if they won the McLane lottery. The total package. This family of four churchgoers label themselves as “contributors.” They won’t just be bumps on a log at your church, they will give it everything they’ve got. Adam…
Finding a church home: Pre-search thoughts
This week marks the beginning of a new era. For the first time in more than 10 years Kristen and I begin a search for a new church home. Sure, there were other searches before– but they were always tied to employment so that’s a little different. Now that I don’t have a church job…
Music Wars Rage!
For as long as I’ve been going to church I’ve had to hear about “music wars” in the church. Contemporary music was never an issue for me as I hated the music at the old Presbyterian church I went to from 5th grade through 10th grade. Seriously, half of the words in the hymns meant…
Cardboard Testimonies: What is yours?
Check out this powerful video from Hillside Christian Church in Texas. If you were to write your testimony on a cardboard cut-out, what would you write?