Tag: Church
You Matter to Your Schools
This was just posted over at Youth Ministry Exchange. Here’s an excerpt: Here’s a thought that will blow your mind. The God of the Universe chose you to help him build the church in your town. Here’s another thought to give you some perspective. The God of the Universe has an enemy, Satan, whose deepest…
30 Day Sex Challenge
Relevant Church in Tampa, Florida has certainly attracted some media attention. Check out this challenge. “An openly edgy Christian church is launching what they’re calling a 30-Day Sex Challenge to help members improve their relationships and rediscover themselves.” “Single folks are to abstain from sex for 30 days…Married folks, on the other hand, are supposed…
From the MainStreet vault
Some of these clips are for MainStreet tomorrow while others are for “web only.” But over all I thought this was some funny stuff.
That’s pretty much how I felt about last night’s MainStreet. In one night we had some of our best stuff and some things we’ll put under our cap as lessons learned. The kids who came were way more fired up than I’d ever seen. (Obviously this is good from a kid perspective and scary from…