Tag: Church

  • Help Rebuild Haiti Through the Local Church

    I came home two weeks ago from Haiti. And almost every day I’ve talked with a church leader with one simple question: I know about the devastation in Haiti, but if I went to Haiti what could my church actually do? Starting next week, there will be a unique opportunity to partner– very practically— with…

  • Preparing for Haiti

    I chose to be just crazy enough. More importantly, I want to encourage others to be crazy enough to recognize that they can change the world. — Adam McLane, August 28th 2009 In moments like this I feel like there is little I can do. While I would love to hop on a plane and…

  • Activity vs. Impact

    Most people’s default measurement tool for their effectiveness is how busy they are. The thought process goes like this: If I have a full schedule of activity I feel invaluable to the organization If I am doing a lot of stuff I must be doing some good The result of all these meetings and all…

  • Affirm One Another in Christ

    We live in divided times. In particular, those of us who love Jesus are more divided than ever. A trip to the “church” section of the yellow pages or Google is heart-breaking. The church is polarized today. This is contrary, of course, to what the Bible teaches. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor…

  • Things are looking up

    It may not look like it yet where you live, but there are signs of life in America that things are looking better. As the chart above shows- stocks have been rebounding for basically 12 months. The unemployment rate, while still horribly high, has begun to turn… following the comeback of Wall Street. As church…

  • Poll: Will the online church fad grow or fade in 2010?

    Will the “online church” fad make it through 2010?(polling) Of course, you are welcome to leave a comment with your theory.

  • Smaller is Better

    Want to know a little secret? People who go to your church like it when you know them. Want to know another little secret? People who go to your church aren’t that impressed with big anymore. How do I know these secrets? I listen to people who don’t go to church talk about church. I…

  • Hey youth workers… do you believe?

    Here’s the deal. Dirty little secret time. I think a lot of youth pastors, youth ministers, youth directors don’t believe in the power of adolescents to flip their world on its head. Adults think they can do it all. And they backfill that belief with anecdotal information to make themselves feel better. They think kids…

  • The Main Thing

    Could you help me out? What’s the BIGGEST issue you are dealing with in your church right now? What’s keeping you up at night? DM or @ me. Todd Rhodes tweeted this today. And his question perfectly emphasized what I’ve been thinking about the last few days. This Fall, I’ve had the beautiful opportunity to…

  • Anxiety in Youth Ministry

    Over the past several days I’ve started to put words to what I’ve been observing: The tribe of youth ministry is anxious. 2009 has been a ridiculously hard year. Last October when Tony Campolo spoke in Sacramento he said something like… “Church, as we know it today, will collapse with the economy. And we will…