Tag: family

  • Going Green-ish

    One of our family goals this year was to make some changes to how we consumed the world’s resources. Some of it is a desire to live more simply and some of it is just a realization that the stuff our little family does, when added up with millions of other families, really impacts our…

  • Christmas Recap

    This morning we are vowing to leave the house at some point. Yesterday, as is our habit, we hunkered down for a day of pure family. It turned out to be a really nice Christmas. Christmas technically kicked off on Thursday night with a fun little trip to Orange County. A couple from our community…

  • Our Christmas Video

  • 61 Minutes: The Kitchen

    I’m learning to love time lapse videos so I thought I’d start off by making a series of my own. Here’s an ordinary 61 minutes in my kitchen. A mom makes dinner, cleans up, takes the dog for a walk, a dad sneaks a snack, the kids come and do homework. There is something extraordinary…

  • Stoney and Friends

    Stoney and Friends Originally uploaded by mclanea I woke up this morning to see Stoney, the family dog, laying on his blanket completely surrounded by the kids Webkinz.

  • Thoughts on Disney on Ice Princess Classics

    Last night, our family went to go see the Disney on Ice show. It was great family fun. I remember when I was a kid wanting to go, the kid across the street always getting to go, but being disappointed that I never got to go. So I was a little surprised when Paul said…

  • Warp Speed!

    That’s how I feel about the next 90 days. This week starts the first of three National Youth Worker Conventions. For me, it’s a huge honor to be able to go to the three U.S. conventions and to play such a cool role. On site I am in charge of capturing the story of the…

  • Paul’s Birthday

    Hard to believe it, but our little baby boy just turned 6. Here are some pictures we took yesterday down by Point Loma Nazarene University.

  • Philly Pictures

  • NYC Pictures | Day One