Tag: fear
Pushing Past the Pain of Change
This weekend, at Open, I heard a few things. Some were from attendees, some speakers, and others from the Holy Spirit. Most of the thoughts that stuck are along the lines of change. People are ready for change. They are hungry for it. And the pain of continuing this cycle of depreciating returns is too…
The upside of fear
Stupid spreadsheet. Typically, I’m a pretty positive– upbeat — and self-confident person. I’m told I’m overly optimistic by my friends. But the past few weeks have brought about unfamiliar emotions. Negativity, melancholy, and anxiety. And since these are unfamiliar emotions I haven’t quite known how to respond. In situations where I’m typically chipper I’ve been…
Breathing heavy and full of adrenaline I stood up from the knee deep waves among the kids and did a 180. With a massive smile I began the long push through the surf back to my fellow bobbing boogie boarders. It was a Sunday afternoon at Torrey Pines. One of my favorite beaches doing one of my…
Overcome by Evil
There’s a whole lot of saber rattling going on these days. Why? Because fear sells better than sex right now. The stock market is up 80%+ since March 2009.There’s a whole lot of money being made while the media scares you with news of recession. Crime is at historic lows. But there’s a whole lot…
The Clenched Jaw
Sweat dripped everywhere. Day after day the men sat in the summer heat cooled by the gentle breeze sweeping through the empty valley. But Saul and David’s brothers stayed in their tent, no breeze, sweating. They were afraid. They dared not go outside. As the sun beat down on their tent they paced, hoping a…
Coyote Fear
Yesterday, I opened my front door to this letter. Everyone in my neighborhood did. Take a second to read it. There are so many things wrong in this letter. At its core it teaches us a lot about the power of fear in our lives. The letter is completely anonymous. It’s a letter about fear…
Mexico isn’t Scary
I spent yesterday with some folks from Amor Ministries in Tijuana. The point of our trip was to visit some recent Amor houses built in a colonia to create a video inviting NYWC participants to spend a day of convention there building a house. The houses we saw were anywhere from 3 days old to 10…
Fear is not your friend
These are scary times. If you allow these times to be scary. The reality is that when you allow fear to creep in you are in big trouble. Life is full of things that seem worthy of fear… Big decisions like where to go to college, who to go out with, who to marry, having…
The Crossing
We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring. ~ Georges Jacques Danton photo HT to Likecool
5 Ways to Build Intrinsic Motivation in Students
“Fear is a short term motivator.” That was the first lesson in my first class on managing people. As a 21 year old manager of a staff at a health insurance company in Chicago, this was a valuable lesson for me. Most of my subordinates had either been with the company 25+ years or were…