Tag: ideation

  • 4 Outside of the Box Program Ideas for Youth Ministry

    Here’s 5 ideas that are outside of the norm for youth group. (Nothing wrong with traditional youth group, just sharing ideas.) My hope is that these ideas will spark you to create programs that your community actually needs as opposed to building your ministry purely on a combination of felt need & what you experienced…

  • Every idea is a network

    You have ideas. We all have ideas. Some of them are brilliant and some of them aren’t. But every idea (pursued) is a network. As you explore your idea you bump into people. Some are new people to you and some are old friends. Each of those connections makes connections with other people based on…

  • Possessed

    When someone pitches an idea my mind is running through a matrix of questions. Is this really a good idea? Is the idea even possible? Is this the right person to turn this idea into a reality? Will enough people buy into the idea that it’ll take off? Is this the right time for this…