Tag: marriage
Relaxing in Rosarito
One of the commitments that I made for 2012 is to rest better. I know, that sounds silly. But with all the stress and craziness of 2011 I forgot to take more than a few sporadic days off. That’s not healthy or sustainable. With that in mind, and Kristen’s parents in town for the week, we…
Marriage can’t be the common denominator anymore
Church programming is largely based on segmentation. In other words, most churches build their programming based on some assumptions about: Age Gender Marital status There is a general assumption in church programming that when a person hits their 20s that most will head towards marriage and having kids. And for most of human history it’s…
Place your bet
A few months ago I went to Las Vegas with my father-in-law for 24 hours. There are at least 4 things hilarious with that statement, right? He was running a marathon and needed someone to drive with him from San Diego to Las Vegas and back. I went since it’d be nice to catch-up along…
Moments of Awe
Awesome is one of my favorite words. While my day is full of moments of awesome there are only a few moments in life described by the word awe. Here’s a few… Hearing the words, “I’m pregnant” from your wife. (Trust me, as much “awe” is created the first time at 24 as at 34…
Haiti Pre-trip trip
The next week on my blog is going to be a smudge different. I’ll be posting updates and photos as much as I can, but it’s not possible to know what our cell reception will be like. I had hoped to have my new iPhone 4 before we left so that I could post videos…
Celebrating Marriage
Why 13 years? I think the conviction to host this party was born one day last fall as I was stumbling through the Old Testament. Over and over again I saw the phrase, “remember the things the Lord has done.” And as I read that it just kind of hit me… when was the last…
The wedding celebration
Yesterday, I was happy to perform a wedding ceremony for some new friends. It was a perfect day. Everyone smiled from ear to ear. I said the couple’s last name correctly after practicing it hundreds of times. Independently, all of the “staff” hired for the wedding said the same thing to me, “I love working…
So, you’re done?
At lunch yesterday 3 guys sat around the table getting to know one another better. In the course of the conversation we chatted about kids. Each man had two. The guy sitting next to me affirmed that two was enough for his family and barring a medical miracle, they were done. The guy across the…
Longsuffering in the church
A key component to the personal preference sin so prevalent in the United States evangelical church is a lack of respect for the word, longsuffering. Now, there are plenty of proponents of the idea of short-suffering. In other words, if a church or ministry or job or anything in your life doesn’t meet your exacting…