Tag: mercyme

  • I get paid for this?

    That was my thought last night during the general session. A fantastic night of challenge and worship. All I have to say is that I need a 15 foot disco ball. It helps with the worship experience.

  • Saturday Tunes

    It’s snowing. Kristen said, “It’s like we live in Antarctica or something.” In Antarctica it’s the middle of the summer and their weather is a little like ours, just no snow! Other than the snow it’s a quiet morning in our house. The kids are playing on the computer and daddy is listening to music.…

  • Saturday Tunes

    It’s not a monster day, but it’s about all I can handle. (Still recovering from whatever has me in its grips.) So as I get ready for my day, eat pancakes with the kids, and otherwise enjoy this Saturday morning here are the next 10 songs from my iTunes party shuffle. As always, no cheating…