Category: Weblogs
My blog ate my posts!
Super quick note regarding missing posts. I don’t know what happened. They were there this morning, lots and lots of comments. Tonight I saw they were gone. I was able to report them just now… they were all back dated a bit to try to get them in the right place. As for the comments,…
Two trends in ministry blogs
I don’t know about you. But I read a ton of blogs every day. Here are two trends I’m seeing a lot of. #1 Senior pastors hyping their new series. Every one of their series is “incredible” or “the most important I’ve ever done.” Call me a cynic but I really doubt it. If you…
Top posts of September
I’m a couple days behind on this, I hope you don’t mind too much. #1 Lifeway, you need to change your mind #2 Vision, Goal, and Mission Statements #3 Lies of Youth Ministry Part One #4 DIY Antimetabole #5 The McLane buyout plan As a bonus, here’s my top 5 posts of all time. #1…
Top Five August Posts
#1 Goodbye Creepy Guy #2 My Olympic Rant #3 Where are all the Christian Single Men? #4 President Bush is the Man #5 Vision, Goal, and Mission Statements It always amazes me to see some of these top posts be old posts. But that’s the power of Google. Those who are just learning about blogging would…
YS Video Podcast
Here’s a project that I help lead. We just launched our new weekly podcast at YS. I know the majority of my blog readers are not youth workers… so this may give you a tiny insight into my new gig. Also check out the YS Blog. I help put that together as well.
Top Five Posts of July
#1 Goodbye Creepy Guy (here’s why) #2 Shutting Down #3 3 Lies of Church Growth Experts #4 $200 Asterisk for the iPhone 3G #5 Vision, Goal, and Mission Statements The power of google. That’s why most of those top 5 are there. People are searching for something that brings them here…. welcome! And it’s…
New Template @
If you are an RSS subscriber to the blog you’ll want to come check out the site. Tonight I put in a new theme. It’s a look that I’ve been thinking about for a few weeks now. The truth of the matter is that I really wanted to make some changes to some of my…