Category: Weblogs

  • My blog ate my posts!

    Super quick note regarding missing posts. I don’t know what happened. They were there this morning, lots and lots of comments. Tonight I saw they were gone. I was able to report them just now… they were all back dated a bit to try to get them in the right place. As for the comments,…

  • Two trends in ministry blogs

    I don’t know about you. But I read a ton of blogs every day. Here are two trends I’m seeing a lot of. #1 Senior pastors hyping their new series. Every one of their series is “incredible” or “the most important I’ve ever done.” Call me a cynic but I really doubt it. If you…

  • Top posts of September

    I’m a couple days behind on this, I hope you don’t mind too much. #1 Lifeway, you need to change your mind #2 Vision, Goal, and Mission Statements #3 Lies of Youth Ministry Part One #4 DIY Antimetabole #5 The McLane buyout plan As a bonus, here’s my top 5 posts of all time. #1…

  • Oops. A little over technology

    It seems my eagerness to spread the word about the YS podcast may have actually hurt our distribution a little. I think the right word is “counterproductive.” With the new format for the podcast I thought it would be helpful to cross-publish it a few places. So you may have seen it pop up on…

  • YS Video Podcast

    Here’s a project that I help lead. We just launched our new weekly podcast at YS. I know the majority of my blog readers are not youth workers… so this may give you a tiny insight into my new gig. Also check out the YS Blog. I help put that together as well.

  • Top Five Posts of July

    #1 Goodbye Creepy Guy (here’s why) #2 Shutting Down #3 3 Lies of Church Growth Experts #4 $200 Asterisk for the iPhone 3G #5 Vision, Goal, and Mission Statements The power of google. That’s why most of those top 5 are there. People are searching for something that brings them here…. welcome! And it’s…

  • Open to suggestions

    If you only read my blog via RSS, you may want to come to and check out a new widget.  For the longest time I’ve pretty much blogged whatever I felt like. Sometimes I rant about stuff, sometimes I post silly things, something I try real hard and post something thoughtful. Well, I want…

  • Hunting Trends

    Do you ever wonder why there is always a blogger or a website that is always one step ahead of the news? Have you noticed that some everyone has a friend who is always in the know? Don’t be frustrated. I’ll show you how to do that.   Ever wonder how they do that? It’s…

  • New Template @

    If you are an RSS subscriber to the blog you’ll want to come check out the site. Tonight I put in a new theme. It’s a look that I’ve been thinking about for a few weeks now. The truth of the matter is that I really wanted to make some changes to some of my…