Category: Weblogs
Internet Ministry Conference: report #1
Later in the week (early Friday morning or Thursday night) I’m headed over to Calvin College to attend my first Internet Ministry Conference. Since this is my first real entry into "Christian internet world" I have a whole bag of assumptions. And since I’m going to the event to learn, network with fellow nerds, and…
Update from earlier
Earlier I said I was tired. I’m feeling much better. We had a great little event today with Light Force. I think some of the best events we do right now are free and this is no exception. Want to spend an afternoon hanging out and building relationships? Just tell people to meet you at…
Why I blog.
Chris Brooks asked the question, "Why do you blog?" Here was the comment I left: I blog for a few reasons. First and foremost since about 7th grade I’ve journaled. I remember by 7th grade reading teacher telling the class "if you want to be a good writer, you need to keep a journal to…
New look for
Remember rule #1 of customer service? A person with a good experience will tell one person, a person with a bad experience will tell 10 people. This was very true when I worked for a health insurance company as 10-15 negative customer experiences who made "HMO" synonymous for "least desirable" far outweighed the publics opinion…
Rules for Blogging mention
This evening I’ve exchanged some pleasant emails with the editor/developer behind Church Communications Pro. Apparently he found my Rules for Blogging newsworthy and gave me a nice mention. Back story: The "Rules for Blogging" really started in one of our infamous AIM chatrooms. We were talking about all the trouble people had gotten into because…
I love connecting
I think I learned this little phrase from Jason Raitz, "I love networking with youth workers." I mean, we’re just wired a little differently than the average person. While most people flee working with teenagers there are a group of people who love it. God made us this way and I love getting together with…
Protect Yourself from Cyber Bullies
The following is an article I’ve submitted for publication to the Romeo Peach. I thinks it’s a relevant topic for anyone who uses the internet for community purposes. The other day Kristen and I watched a Primtime special called, “How Mean Can Teens Be?” The investigation was about a new form of bullying that many…
Sorry about that
Just a quick note to say "I’m sorry" for commenters having to go through an extra step. I was getting a few too many comments from people who wouldn’t identify themselves. (Which, through the power of IP tracking… it’s not that hard to find out who people are… ) So, from now on it’s either…
Congrats to the Herron’s (Even amid the chaos!)
I learned yesterday that a friend of mine, Jonathon Herron, and his wife Amber will be getting their long awaiting, prayed for, and patiently impatient forthcoming baby in about three weeks. I am so excited for them! They are certainly in for a wild ride. To make life more exciting, the baby is due right…
Comments on comments
I’ve never had this problem to any extreme, but apparently a lot of people are encountering it. The issue that is so troublesome? Anonymous comments to posts. Here’s how I’ve experienced it. I will write a post, say about my mormonism series or what not. Someone who cares passionately about defending their positions on mormonism…