Category: Web/Tech

  • add this to the Christmas list

    miShare This little gadget allows direct sharing of photos, videos, and of course music without a computer. Seriously, if anyone has $99 laying around I could make good use out of that. HT to trendhunter

  • Vector Magic

    Have you ever taken a picture or found something on the net that you really liked but it wasn’t quite large enough for your needs? Or have you ever wanted to take a youth group picture and blow it up floor to ceiling big? Or have you ever had a logo that just wasn’t in…

  • Goodbye Typepad, Hello WordPress

    I’ve struggled with this for the last few weeks. But I finally came to the conclusion that I could no longer be a WordPress evangelist without being a WordPress blogger. So, as of this post I am now fully converted. Tonight I was able to transfer everything from to plain old I know…

  • Facebook and Advertising

    Here’s the big announcement the blogging community has been groaning for. My interest is peaked.

  • Rolling WiFi Hotspot

    About 3 years ago on a long road trip Jon and I came up with the idea of a rolling LAN party. So as the church vans worked their way from state to state we could set up tournaments for the latest first person shooter or Madden game. Forget showing movies. Forget each van having…

  • 2 proofs that the government shouldn’t blog

    I find this very funny. Yes, the State Department has a blog. So citizen journalism finds it’s match at some office in Washington. Likely, some government worker collects quite a salary and made blogging sound very difficult and official sounding. Let me give just two reasons why the State Department shouldn’t be blogging. Proof #1:…

  • Facebook vs. MySpace: A look at the numbers

    Forget the fact that Facebook was recently valued at a whopping $15 billion by Microsoft whereas MySpace was sold to News Corp for a mere $580 million. Let’s look at the statistical comparison of MySpace vs. Facebook. MySpace is the blue line while Facebook is red. See why I’ve been saying MySpace has been dying?…

  • 7 programs running on my laptop all day

    Microsoft Outlook (church mail) Mozilla Thunderbird (YMX mail) iTunes PhotoShop AIM Mozilla Firefox Filezilla What about you? What are programs that run on your desktop/laptop all the time?

  • Will Facebook die like MySpace?

    When ads, then adults, then porn took over MySpace… the number of users died quickly as people looking for social networking fled to newly opened Facebook. While there were a lot of factors for the death of MySpace, too many ads was clearly one of the issues. On November 16th, 2006 I posted that I…

  • Is the church ahead of academia?

    Check out the following video and ask yourself… is my church, my youth ministry, my household… am I educating my students in a way that is relevant to today’s culture? I am sick of hearing people complain about the church saying that we are ineffective communicators in today’s society. In this video you will see…