Category: Web/Tech

  • A fun technorati prank

    I wonder how long it will take them to sort this one out. Don’t tell… it’ll be our little internet secret. Observers of this blog will not that in recent weeks I’ve been adding technorati tags to the bottom of my posts. The main reason I do that is so that other people who are…

  • Newsvine is dead, you stink!

    I will admit that I enjoyed my initial experiences with Newsvine. It was a fun social/news bookmarking site for a while. To me, it is representative of all that is bad about a social network… The interface is the same today as it was when I joined. Lame! The community is extremely catty about what…

  • Moblog test message

      I am testing out the mobile blogging feature from typepad on my smartphone. so far, so good.

  • 6 Free Ways to Generate Web Traffic to Your Blog, Money-Back Guaranteed

    Here are 6 basic tips that will help you build traffic for your blog. These 6 things are simple to do and generate plenty of traffic for me. Best part, they don’t you a dime. Post regularly. (1-2 times per day seems to be a good pace) Post comments on other blogs you read; if…

  • Reflections on Online Community

    Reflections on Online Community

    Last week I sat in on Kent Shaffer’s session on “Communicating without Words” at the Internet Ministry Conference. And tucked deep in the session were his “7 Steps for [creating/managing] an Online Community” After all, if Seth Godin said this is one his top new jobs of the future, it’s worth talking about. I wanted…

  • Google Docs launches Presentation

    First off, I love the word "Launch." All products/services/and ministries should launch. The folks at Google have gone and done it again… they have created something so cool and forward-looking that the average web-user will not even notice or think that they need until that one day they see it in action. This time they’ve…

  • Internet Ministry Conference: report #1

    Later in the week (early Friday morning or Thursday night) I’m headed over to Calvin College to attend my first Internet Ministry Conference. Since this is my first real entry into "Christian internet world" I have a whole bag of assumptions. And since I’m going to the event to learn, network with fellow nerds, and…

  • An amazing tool… from Microsoft

    I know. It seems almost like an oxymoron to say… but Microsoft has an amazing utility for web developers. I’ll even go this far, it’s better than anything Google has in this category? What is it?It’s Microsoft’s adCenter Labs What is it good for? If you are an internet marketer or an internet publisher… you…

  • Thunderbird: A brief review

    I’m an email junkie. There, I said it. I have at least 20 different email accounts. Why? Well, between the church and YMX I operate a bunch of sites and each one has an "adam" account and a "generic" account for information. Then I have my personal email and stuff like that. So before you…

  • New Innovation: Youth Ministry Classifieds

    Over at Youth Ministry Exchange Headquarters Patti Gibbons and I had a board meeting where we decided to launch a brand new line of business. In truth, Patti and I chat over AIM all the time and we came up with this idea Friday morning and ran with it. We don’t have an office and…