Category: Web/Tech

  • Still don’t have gmail? More reasons to switch

    Here Too bored to read? Watch this.

  • experiment #2

    Our second attempt at webcasting stuff from the church will take place this morning at 9:00 AM. For those new to the concept… be warned. This is nothing like broadcast television. Think of this as a live camera feed, completely raw and unedited. (Something similar to the raw feed you can watch on…

  • 3 free webtools that have made significant improvements

    I’m a self-proclaimed webdork. But as a webdork and the developer of some websites/blogs, there are a number of free web tools out there that are not only awesome, but have recently gone from "awesome" to "awesome-er." iGoogle (Formerly known as "google homepage" or "personalized homepage.") Not only is this the best and easiest feed…

  • RSS in Plain English

    I’ve already established a pattern of letting the world know what a cow-suit wearing dork I am, but I think there are times I have a point of my dorkdom worth sharing to the non-dork blog reading public. What if I told you that in a typical day I have the ability to read more…

  • Pirates of the Vista?

    Apparently Microsoft isn’t happy with sales of its new operating system, Vista. The company is saying that the slow sales are likely due to pirates. I think that this is far from reality. Unfortunately it’s proof that the largest manufacturer of software has painfully lost sight of their consumers. (Fortunately, they’ve got companies and end…

  • Web 2.0, what is it and how does it work

    This video pretty much captures the way my brain has been working/spinning/thinking. I know it’s hard to believe for some people, but the web as people are getting used to using it has drastically changed in the last few months. It’s called Web 2.0. I’ll provide three easy examples of how Web 2.0 is utilized…

  • Best Youth Ministry Site

    Vote for yourself, vote for your favorites, don’t see what you like… add it! plex5023

  • A cool widget feature

    This has a lot of applications. For YMX, I’d like to see our members help us just tell their blog readers about what’s getting published currently. But this could also work well any blog as it places easily on just about every blog and social networking platform out there. It’s called "widgetbox." Widgets are a…

  • Windows Vista

    Last night at midnight, Microsoft released it’s new operating system called "Vista." This is the first major release since Windows XP in 2002 or something like that. I’ve seen some screen shots from Vista and it looks fine enough. I wouldn’t recommend anyone buying it unless you are getting it free with a computer. I…

  • Cool fundraising widget

    Just found this and I thought it was worth passing along. This would be perfect for anyone raising money for anything. Mission trip. Camps. College education. Pointless computer upgrade. It’s pretty slick. What I really like about it is that it’s a widget that people can take from your site, if they believe in it,…