Category: Web/Tech

  • A very SPAMMY Christmas to you, too

    I came home today to discover that while I was busy working, YMX got a nice Spam bomb. 1500 junks mails in 30 minutes. Merry Christmas to you too Mr. Spam man. [Insert me sticking out my tongue!] I hope Santa brings that guy a big fat chunk of coal.

  • Another incredible innovation

    This is called the Reactable. The developers describe it like this: The reactable, is a state-of-the-art multi-user electro-acoustic music instrument with a tabletop tangible user interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving physical artefacts on the table surface and constructing different audio topologies in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer…

  • My Wishlist

    In case anyone is wondering what to get me for Christmas… I don’t need to create a list since one already exists just for people like me. Here’s the list.

  • Is MySpace dying?

    Maybe this is just my perception. And maybe I am totally and completely wrong here. But I think the phenomenon is fading quickly. I don’t hear nearly the buzz about MySpace that I did a year ago, and definitely not the fever pitch of 6 months ago. I have a theory about the end of…

  • I need to have this

    This is a guy named Jeff Han. I need this thing that he’s developing. I don’t know what I’d use it for, but this is one of the most incredible bits of technology I’ve seen in a long time. Learn more about this here.

  • Need an audio file?

    As site worth playing with if you’ve got time. Wise Words by Cool Men (an archive of famous movie lines in audio format)

  • A happy itunes moment

    Perhaps it is because the iPod just turned 5, but I’m as happy as can be that my favorite radio in the world is now padcasted. Anyone on the planet can now listen to This American Life with Ira Glass for free. Yes, I’m a geek. But at least I’m a happy geek. Why am…

  • Firefox 2.0 released

    I’m a dork, so this is a big deal to me. In the past 2 weeks I’ve downloaded both Internet Explorer 7.0 and Firefox 2.0. So far, Firefox 2.0 is fantastic and IE 7.0 is a joke. One little thing that I like about Firefox is that it’s got a built in spell checker. So…

  • Church Politics on the Web

    Ray Pritchard, our pastor in the Chicago years, has a great post about churches, church leaders, and church members who decide to duke it out via their blogs. I really like this point… 14) Having said all of this, I don’t think the Internet caused the problems in any of these churches, but putting the…

  • Protect Yourself from Cyber Bullies

    Protect Yourself from Cyber Bullies

    The following is an article I’ve submitted for publication to the Romeo Peach. I thinks it’s a relevant topic for anyone who uses the internet for community purposes. The other day Kristen and I watched a Primtime special called, “How Mean Can Teens Be?” The investigation was about a new form of bullying that many…