Category: Web/Tech

  • PodDrop on NBC 4 in Detroit

    Romeo member Bob Carter and his ipod repair business, The Pod Drop, are appearing on NBC 4 tonight. Very cool stuff. I think he’ll be on in the morning as well. Update: I just watched the segment on the 11:00 PM news, awesome job. The hidden camera investigation “caught” Bob’s people fixing an ipod perfectly…

  • E-mail that costs you a billion dollars

    As far as slip ups with technology go, this one is pretty major. A lawyer for drug manufacturer Eli Lilly thought she was sending an email to her co-counselor on a billion dollar case. Unfortunately, her co-counselor shared the same last name as a person doing a story on the matter with the New York…

  • Another live video channel

    I’m testing out Y! Live. This is Yahoo’s knock-off of Here’s what it looks like. I will say this, it uses a lot more CPU than seemed to. I turned it on and within 1 minute I could hear the fan kick on with the MacBook.

  • Purging Google Reader

    As much as I love reading things on Google Reader, there are just some feeds that had to go. Over the last several days I’ve been weeding out some feeds that I no longer find useful or who were just plain getting on my nerves. Here’s how I use Google reader: I subscribe to a…

  • Sick

    I don’t think anyone relishes being sick. I hate it. I have so many things to do and I’m sitting here freezing to death in 3 layers of clothes, a stocking cap, and my slippers trying to pound out some stuff I need to get done. I hope I feel better for Sunday and Monday…

  • K9 Web Protection: Protecting your kids eyes on the net

    A common question I get from moms is “How do I filter out some sites from the internet so my kids can’t see them?“ (Honestly, I’ve never had a father ask me that, wonder why? Think about it and get back to me.) My first response is always the same. Ultimately you can’t keep someone…

  • The Mac Switch Continues

    I was waiting until MacWorld to make a purchasing decision on my next laptop. And while Macbook Air is really cool it isn’t powerful enough for what I need. So, I went ahead and got this bad boy. It’s not the most powerful Mac, but I got a great deal on it and it is…

  • Secure Homepage: I’d pay money to use it

    I love iGoogle. It is a homepage that is extremely functional for me as I use it to manage everything from my work tasks to my blog feeds to my Jon Stewart quotes. And yet it lacks the one thing I really want. I am left dreaming of a homepage that offers these things, plus…

  • Geek Tool: Turn your smartphone into a mobile wireless router

    I have an ultra-swanky Smartphone. You know, one of those devices you see people carry around and you think… I’d like to be surfing the internet too! It takes 2 megapixel pictures, connects nicely to my Outlook, and a whole bunch of other nice features. But there was one thing it didn’t do that I’ve…

  • Mario Galaxy: The best game for the Wii

    The day after Christmas I went to my local GameStop to buy a video game. I was itching to buy Madden 2008 and was really disappointed that they didn’t have it in stock. I asked  the clerk, “Of the games you have in stock, which is the best?” The clerk looked at me and said,…