picking fights

Occasionally, my daughter will pick a fight with me. It’s kind of funny since she’s only 3, but she really does pick fights with me. Not the physical type, just what I call the "pissing contest."

She will try to get her way. Even though she will know fully that I have no intention on giving into her, she will throw a tantrum anyway. For the most part I think she does this just to establish and re-establish who is in charge. But sometimes it’s more than that, it a principle thing. It seems as though she is trying to step up and let me know that she is really able to make a decision or do something that I am not allowed to do. I always t ake this challenge to her. Not because I like to be a bully, but because I am looking to challenge her rather than "over-loving" her and just giving her whatever she wants. I am interested in raising a daughter who knows when and how to pick a fight…. rather than just being a brat. I want her to be able to challenge anyone on anything and win. Is that strange, or what?







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