One last project for my vacation

It has been quite a productive week away from the job. Today we spent most of our time taking advantage of the lull in the weather (mid 50s today) to take care of oodles of yard work one last time. So far this fall we’ve done a lot of big minor things to the house with the electrical clean-up outside being the major one. (Having good wiring in the house makes for better sleep!)

I just have 1 project to finish and 1 to complete tonight and I will be very pleased with the last week. First I have to finish updating our Microsoft Money. I’ve been keeping tabs of our bills and we’ve not had problems, but it has been about 6 weeks since I last balanced the checkbook and that is bad. Bad bad bad. I’ve entered in about 160 total transactions! Just about 10 to go as of right now. It’s kind of weird assigning all these categories to things you bought a month ago. I think Kristen is tired of me saying, "Hey babe, what did you buy at KMart on October 22nd for $13.80?"

The last thing I have to do is to install 2 more "windows" in the shed behind our garage. I don’t think the previous owners stored anything in there… there massive windows in that thing are just screened in and there wasn’t any way to keep the snow or rain out. So I’ve hung some plywood over them and mounted them with some hinges so I can open the windows in the spring but still protect our stuff in the winter. About 2 hours with a saw and a screw gun and it should be all sealed up.

Big props to Kristen who spent the entire afternoon cleaning the garage out. I just looked in it and realized we really do have a 2.5 car garage!






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