the office

TheofficeI stayed up late last night [that’s what vacation is for!] to watch the entire 2nd season of The Office. It’s a BBC sitcom that has since been brought to the U.S. on NBC.

Here’s my thought. Is it funny? Not as funny as Little Britain. Is is something I would recommend? No, far too much innuendo… and a lot of the jokes didn’t fly for this American palate. Sometimes I got the idea I’d be laughing at different times than my British friends. Kind of like watching Shrek 2 with my kids.






One response to “the office”

  1. quin Avatar

    Gosh, I really don’t agree. I can sit in front of Little Britain for the full half hour and not smile once, but The Office (UK) has me doubled over in embarassed laughter.

    One of my friends won’t watch The Office because it’s too true to his own workplace.

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