Wow, this was fun!

Polar This morning I had the pleasure of seeing Polar Express with my kids at the Henry Ford Museum’s IMAX.I can’t express how much fun this was for the whole family.

It didn’t even matter that we were a bit late and I was a bit miffed about the bad directions… a Detroit tradition of terribly marked roads strikes again… none of that mattered.

What did matter is that we were treated well when we got there and we had a really nice time. A friend from church gave us tickets last night to this "special presentation’ paid for by a financial services company. It came complete with free popcorn and drinks.

This was the 3-D version… very cool. I had a blast watching my kids enjoy the thrill of a massive screen and the visual trick of 3-D imaging. It was fun going to Paul’s first "real movie" and having him sit on my lap mesmerized. Not to mention, it’s a nice film worth seeing.






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