YMX Article gets attention for controversial article

On January 3rd I published an article on YMX called Finding God on Brokeback Mountain. I knew in publishing a "pro-Brokeback" article that it would be both a wee controversial, but also good for the community to read. In fact, all of Andrew Seely’s stuff seems to be pretty provacative. But that’s OK, God’s big enough for different opinions.

The article was later picked up by Relevant Magazine and obviously gained some momentum from there. (They have a few more readers than YMX!) Here is what one response I’ve found about the article:

He sounds like a guy I could connect with over a cup of coffee. I don’t have to agree with him on every point in order to appreciate his thoughtfulness and respect his journey. He reminds me that labels — progressive, conservative, gay, ex-gay — need not be impenetrable barriers to being good neighbors to each other. [Read the article]

This is exciting on a lot of different fronts. Way to go YMX!






One response to “YMX Article gets attention for controversial article”

  1. Andrew Seely Avatar

    Thanks for the contiuned support adam!!

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