Goodbye Calgon, Hello Texas

Mad_money_1About a week ago I put out a limit order for a stock I own, Calgon Carbon. With a lot of the big names not endorsing it anymore, I wanted out. Intel and Sirius have taught me that lesson… when the analysts get out, I need to as well.  (Net portfolio loss in 2006 is at 18%. That ain’t good)

So, I forgot about the limit order to be honest. Well, Wednesday morning I got a not from E-trade that it had gone through. I actually made a nice litte "short profit’ on the stick, so I can’t complain.

Texas_roadhouse So the question was, where do I go from here? I know I am too tech heavy. So while I love tech stocks, it just wasn’t a good idea. So… I went back to my favorite stock philosophy of "buy what you use." In this case I thought about the busiest, most happening, and best steak around. Texas Roadhouse. [Yeah, remember this story about Kristen and I burning one on a date… it’s personal now!] So our 3 stocks of "things we use and love" are Intel, Sirius, and Texas Roadhouse.






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