is Dave coming or what?

Dsc05862This has been a common question. "Is Dave really coming?" The definite answer right now is I don’t know for sure but I am pretty sure!

We would both like for it to happen. We know what Dave would do here in Romeo. We know he’s available and we know that he can stay with us and I really want to help him answer the big question "Do I belong in church ministry?" If he did come, he’d be here from late June until late August.

So that is where we are. At this point there isn’t much left to do than say… "Yes, 100% Dave is coming, I bought his tickets and everything."

Who is this guy? Dave is a great guy that I lived with, served with, and learned to love as a brother in Christ. He’s great fun and filled with creativity. But Dave has a deep side as well. He’s terribly insightful and really hungers to know God in a deeper way each day. OK… let me be clear, he’s not perfect at all, but he’s a lot like me. "Good kid, lot of problems but a good kid."

More on this soon.






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