Metro Detroit Youth Workers Lunch

Friday afternoon I had the joy of connecting up with a great group of people for my second Metro Detroit Youth Workers lunch. This one was much smaller, but much cooler than the last one. Man… a good atmosphere is everything.

Things I liked…

  • Talking to some of the same people from last time. I met up with Jim Stoltz again… he’s a youth guy in Commerce. (Wherever that is) I just like the guy, he’s pretty cool. Of course, I have a Moody connection with him, so that’s always a good start.
  • I liked hearing from the old timers. They had good stuff to say. I needed to be encouraged and I was.
  • I got to talk to people about what God is doing at my church and what God is doing with youth workers through YMX. It was cool because I was worried I would talk to people about YMX far too much. But in fact I got to talk about things in the right order… I talked to people the most about my family. I got to talk to people the "next most" about my ministry. And I got to talk to people a very little about YMX. That made it 100% worth my time.
  • I loved hearing about what God is doing in and through so many ministries and businesses. I left encouraged that we are just a little closer to overcoming a satanic oppression of church competition that exists in the Metro Detroit area. I want to be used by God in playing a small part in overcoming it.
  • It was very cool that Dave over at Faith Lutheran seemed somewhat interested in being a part of a local network again. It’s been far too long and we really need to figure out how to make it happen.
  • Of course, it was great seeing Jason Raitz. Can’t put a finger on the "why" parts of it, but I just think he’s a great guy.
  • It was fun hooking up with the guys from YFC and talking about 3Story. I don’t know if they are serious or not… but I’m interested in helping them teach adults in Metro Detroit 3Story.

Most of all… and I can’t explain this excitement… I’m geeked about seeing a lot of these same folks in Cincinnati this November. The YS convention should be oodles more fun and I should get a lot more out of it because I know so many more people. I’m really looking forward to this in November.



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