Saturday Tunes

I’m here in town this morning, at Sempre Caffe, working on the message for tomorrow morning. (Yes, it’s atypical of me to not have this finalized, been one whale of a week! But since the passage is from Acts and I’ve been teaching Acts since August… I think I have a head start on it. Not to mention I’ve had months to think about it and have about 2/3rds of it written in my head. Blah!)

Here are the next 10 songs flowing to my brain:

  1. All Creatures of Our God and King, Bethany Dillon & Shaun MacDonald (Amazing Grace Soundtrack)
  2. City of Blinding Light, U2
  3. The Blues, Switchfoot
  4. I Am Free, Promise Keepers
  5. I Will Overcome, Charlie Hall
  6. Hope, Daystar
  7. Lord Let Your Glory Fall, Drew Cline
  8. Graceland, Paul Simon
  9. Rock of Ages, David Crowder Band (Amazing Grace Soundtrack)
  10. Wonderful God, Hillsong






3 responses to “Saturday Tunes”

  1. Todd Porter Avatar

    When have you heard of Daystar? I had no idea that you knew who they were. A couple of the guys on there are friends of mine.

  2. adam Avatar

    Todd, they performed at our married life event last week. Jason is friends with Joel. Small world, eh?

  3. Todd Porter Avatar

    Small world indeed.

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