Check out!

Photo1So… how have I spent my day? Most of the day I’ve been working on our Easter website. Go ahead and check it out… Easter in Romeo.

Easter this year is all about Hearing from God. So we figured… why not entice people to come with something fun? Pretty soon you’ll see the logo to the left pop up all over town on bulletin boards. And yes… we will be giving away iPods at church on Easter. Go to the site to register now.

Better than that… why not take a few moments to forward that link to a few friends in town and invite them to come and win an ipod?

I’m very excited about this. Instead of having a big "show" on Easter Sunday… we’re essentially putting on a "high volume" regular worship service. And just to make sure that the kids don’t feel left out… we’re offering the same prizes for kids down in KidsTown. 7th graders and up can win a 4 gig Nano and kids can win a 2nd generation shuffle.

See, our job is to make it easy for people to invite their friends. Your job is to invite your friends. Get it?






One response to “Check out!”

  1. Dave Avatar

    bribing people to come to church now adam?

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