Are You Crazy?

Last night at Light Force we asked the following 3 questions…

Are you crazy enough to change the world?

Are you crazy enough to believe the Bible is true?

Are you crazy enough to change what you are doing to reach people?

Call me crazy, but I hope they answer "yes" to all 3.

Are You Crazy?

Let’s think about who
you want to be…

Let’s think about who
you really are…

Crazy enough to
think God can use you to change the world?

What’s the difference
between having a goal and having a reality?
Being crazy enough to just go
after that goal.

I’ve had a goal my
entire life…

 Since I was a little kid I thought I could change the

o When
I was 4-5 I thought I could fly. I thought I was superman.

o When
I was in 5-6 grade, I thought I was invincible. I would jump out of trees and
get in trouble for trying to “save the day.”

o When
I was in middle/high school this turned into trying to help people. I wanted to
be friends to people who didn’t have friends. I wanted to go places I should go
to help people not get in trouble.

o You
can laugh at me… but basically my whole life I’ve know that I was put here to
make a difference in people’s lives.

 As an adult, and as a believer in Jesus Christ… I now
know that I was put on this planet to help lead a group of people to change
their world for Christ.

And it’s a crazy goal. The reality is that we’re no where
near to reaching that goal. With about 4-6% of all of



students actively involved in a youth ministry… we’re not doing very good at
changing the world.

I know that many of
you have a similar goal for your life.
You want to be someone significant.
You want to play a part in changing your world. And as believers, you know that
the only way to fix the world you live in if God shows up.

– Fixes the broken

– Heals the hurting

– Reaches the lost

When we talk about reaching your schools and making a
difference there… I know that it’s
Like, you don’t even know where to start. You don’t even
really know HOW to start.

Are you crazy enough
to think that the Bible is literally true?

Look at 2 Timothy

If the Bible is true…
than it is calling us to be crazy for Christ.

 If it’s true… we have to do something.

 If it’s true… we can’t sit here and do nothing.

 If it’s true… we can change our world.

 Crazy enough to
change what you know to reach others?

 I want to invite you to something new…

o GroupLink

o In
home small groups

What else is going

 All our traditional fun events will be here.

 In addition, we will have one time per month where we
get together. Hiring a band or having our worship band lead and message (This
is for Christians and not just our people)

 We’re developing a “true foyer” that will be aimed at
inviting people who would never want to go to “church.”

Your small group is
about you and your friends…

 You’ll have two adult leaders.

 It’ll be hosted at your homes

 It’ll be a very comfortable/fun place to invite people

9/9 is our GroupLink…
come there to get plugged into a small group.






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