30 Day Sex Challenge

Relevant Church in Tampa, Florida has certainly attracted some media attention. Check out this challenge.

  • “An openly edgy Christian church is launching what they’re calling a 30-Day Sex Challenge to help members improve their relationships and rediscover themselves.”
  • “Single folks are to abstain from sex for 30 days…Married folks, on the other hand, are supposed to have sex every day for 30 days.”
  • “Relevant Church leaders know the campaign may shock, even disgust, some people in and outside the church. But that was the idea. Create a buzz about a topic a lot of people don’t like to talk about.”

What do you think? (No debate here this is pretty close to what the Bible teaches about sex.) Is this too far ? Not far enough? Are right on with the culture?

HT to Tim Stevens


3 responses to “30 Day Sex Challenge”

  1. Todd Porter Avatar

    I like the having sex everyday for 30 days deal.

    Of course, there is something that happens during those 30 days that kind of…. well, you know!

  2. Nathan Avatar

    Really cool story. Not sure why Christians would get upset. Oh wait, they go to church where none of the single people have sex.


  3. adam mclane Avatar

    This was mentioned on The Daily Buzz show this morning.

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