Adam McLane, tech dork

As if it were not official already. Last week I totally proved my tech dorkiness repeatedly. From randomly fixing computers to picking up the new MacBook to whimsically talking about PHP code and fixing a blog. Of course, this was on top of my normal compulsions to Twitpic all over the place, post to Twitter while driving, and some other things.

We even joked about my starting a weekly “Tech Tip from Adam” for folks looking to get a little more dorky.

But my dorkiness was confirmed forever on Friday. Going through the security screening at San Diego I popped open my bag and pulled out 2 MacBooks and my Smartphone. The Homeland Security guy just kind of stared at me.

It’s true, I love technology. I love gadgets. I love being connected and learning new ways to connect. I guess that means I love being a dork. Wait until July 11th when I pick up the new iPhone.





3 responses to “Adam McLane, tech dork”

  1. Larry Machonga Avatar

    Hey Adam,

    Thanks so much for visiting us (I totally understand the in-laws thing!!) and I’m sorry I couldn’t get to meet you personally. Thanks also for your kind words and for taking the time to send this to me. I got hurt, of all places, at our outreach lock-in this past Friday night. I was playing with my boys in a 3v3 basketball tourney and I tried to save a ball going out of bounds—bad idea!! I rolled my ankle as I collided with one of their guys. No big deal, though, the other guy was fine, my ankle’s healing and we saw 4 kids come to know that Christ that night!

    I’ve been at Calvary for the past 6 years and I’m really thankful that our church supports our student ministries the way is does. Our kids like serving and they really feel that they’re not only the church of the future but also the church of today. I’m looking forward to getting your nephew plugged in and, who knows, maybe we’ll get Eric to come along for the ride?!! Thanks for the inside info.!!

    Again, thanks for writing and for the encouragement! It’s great to be in student ministry and I praise God for you and youth specialties! You guys have just “blazed the trail” for posers like me and we’re reaping the benefits because of all you do!

    God Bless,


    p.s. I sent this to you in this way because, for whatever reason, your server was blocking my email reply. I asked our teach guys and they said that it was something on your end I guess.

  2. adam mclane Avatar

    Hey Larry. Let me forward that to the folks at YS. Not sure why your email got blocked. Totally sorry about that.

    Thanks for the nice comment. Next time I’m there I will make sure to say howdy.

  3. Larry Machonga Avatar

    Thanks Adam. I’ll look forward to metting you! Have a great week!

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