Last night Barack Obama became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party. If that’s news to you this morning, please nudge Dick Cheney awake and come out of the cave to the real world.
This isn’t a post about politics. This is a reminder of who we are in Christ. All over the news this morning Barack Obama is being called a history maker. The first African American to be a party nominee for President of the United States. It doesn’t matter which party you affiliate yourself with, this is a historic moment for our nation.
If Jesus is your Savior, you are called to be a history maker as well.
Matthew 5:13, Jesus tells us to be the salt of the earth.
Ephesians 5:13-14, Paul tells us to bring light to dark places, to wake up!
Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gives us marching order to go and change our world.
On and on throughout the new testament we are taught the same thing… Go be a history maker.
Don’t just look at Barack Obama and think to yourself, “Wow, how cool is it that he’s changing history.” Instead, look intently at what Jesus is calling you to do. And do it. Do it with the attitude that you were placed on this earth to make a difference.
Paul tells us, “He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.”
Change history. Do it now. Today is the day. The world you live in is waiting for someone to do something and that someone is you. That’s change we can believe in.
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