Weekly Column Ideas

Over at Youth Ministry Exchange I’m going to be starting a weekly column. The question is, what should I write about?

I don’t think it should be just general youth ministry stuff. Let’s face the fact that right now I don’t have a lot of up-to-the-moment experience that is going to be useful.

For a long time I’ve wanted to do a “Dear Adam” kind of thing where people sent me ministry-related questions and I had fun replying to them. Kind of like Dear Abby for pastors.

I could do something on adolescent trends. I could do technology stuff. I could do interviews with ministry people.

But mostly I want to know what you think it should be? Please share your ideas in the comments. My hope is to write a few of these between now and the end of the year so the column can begin the first week of January.






5 responses to “Weekly Column Ideas”

  1. Shawn Michael Shoup Avatar

    I like the “Dear Adam” idea. I think that’d be fun.

  2. Mandy Avatar

    I like Dear Adam. I would read that. Especially if you resourced different ym people.

    Maybe a review column, critiquing curriculum, ym trends, gadgets in context of ym. hmmm, good idea, me! maybe i should write it!

  3. Gman Avatar

    I think “interviews” are good but maybe rather than a DEAR ADAM … have a Youth Ministry issue column and resources and other sites and how people can be connected and helping their teens. Example: Suicide – how you dealt with it, other factors, resources available out there etc. Cutting, Self-esteem, etc. The list goes on … those in some ways is not only philosophical and theological in nature but practical as well for those youth workers both paid and non-paid in the trenches. (And a way to point to some of the great stuff YS has as well)

  4. adam mclane Avatar

    Wow, this post generated a lot of discussion. Most of it not here. I got emails, facebook messages, and even a call from Len.

    Here’s some stuff I didn’t post.
    – A column has to be on something well-beyond an issue. If I’m going to write 52 of these in 2009… it has to be something I have a lot to say on.
    – Lining up 52 interviews just isn’t possible. Some is doable.
    – These can’t involve lots of research. I simply don’t have the time to spend a day per week writing the column.
    – The Dear Adam thing could be really easy to do, involve a little research or asking some “experts”… getting more than 50 letters per year may be tricky.
    – Gman’s idea really scares me to death. While I know how I’ve handled all the situations above, I am no expert on cutting, self-esteem, suicide, etc. My gut reaction is… “Aren’t there already enough youth pastors pretending to be experts?”
    – Not to reveal too many secrets, but the idea behind a column is that it’s something easy enough for me to write in an hour. Better yet, can I write 4-5 of them in a single sitting?

    So… maybe those reactions to what has been said so far will spur on a “more better” idea.

  5. Gman Avatar

    Maybe it is more simple than that. Maybe it is hey, Adam here is some thing I’m dealing with – time management, conflict, leaders, parents, games, a ym toolbox of goods and resources of sorts. (I see lots of podcasts, blog posts etc on issues but nothing like here are some practical things to take home other than some exchange sites and some ideas … but even go beyond some of that … maybe go for philosophy, methods, madness, theology and you. Just thinking outloud.

    I know there are tons of stuff out there that speak to youthworkers but nothing yet is out there too much that is direct as a peer to peer type rather than “We’ve got it all figured out”

    Maybe it can be the whole lessons learned. Here are some of the stupid things I’ve done in youth ministry – learn from me …or even highlighting what others (Maybe getting some of the YS and NYWC speakers share their failures as well) I think the Best Doug Fields column I ever read was when Doug went on a missions trip and admitted He blew it. Sometimes authentic, real, conversation helps!

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