Check this out, in 1981 the idea of people getting the news via the internet was already well underway. It took a while, but online is a primary way people get news these days. I love that monitor!
HT to Mark
Check this out, in 1981 the idea of people getting the news via the internet was already well underway. It took a while, but online is a primary way people get news these days. I love that monitor!
HT to Mark
2 hours to download the paper?!
I think next TV interview I do, I’m going to ask for the same lower third Richard Halloran got in the video — Bradley Buhro; Owns Home Computer
best screencap..
Richard Halloran
“Owns Home Computer”
It’s ok to have a comment.
That was a great video! Wow, we’ve come a long way since those days. I was using a VIC-20 back then (predecessor of the Commodore 64).
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