the 50th Episode

I can’t believe it’s already been 50 shows. Fifty! One thing is obvious, Ian Robertson is a complete saint to put up with me for a year. Producing a weekly show is a joy, a challenge, and a discipline. It’s insanity and fun wrapped into one. I’m especially happy with how this episode turned out. This may be our best show yet. Ian worked really hard on it. And the segment with Wayne Rice is brilliantly shot. Like, holy cow… our show has Wayne Rice in it!

The show has introduced me to a lot of stuff. I’ve met an amazing amount of people. I’ve shared deep moments as they shared what was on their heart. There have been many goofy moments as well. A year ago I was completely intimidated by Ian’s camera. Now I know what a little bit about things like frame rate, aperture, focus, lighting, sound, framing, and working with talent. Being a part of this podcast is one of the best parts of my job. All I can think about when I think about the first 50 episodes is joy. It’s hard work. It’s not always pretty. But it’s a labor of joy.

Here it is, episode 50.





2 responses to “the 50th Episode”

  1. ken Avatar

    dude, thanks for the podcasts man! good stuff. Love the history of YS. See you in ATL

  2. Len Avatar

    Woo Hoo! The Big Five Ohh! loved both parts of this one, “never let a student start the bonfire” classic!

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