Category: Blog Highlight

  • PSA on Comments

    Just a quick little announcement regarding comments on the Snapchat piece. In the past 8-9 days I’ve received and responded to hundreds of comments. Simple fact is I need a break. I have other things going on in my life that are more important. I’m a dad. My kids are more important than my blog.…

  • Happy Birthday, Blog

    Today marks 8 years of blogging at (There was an earlier blog, I don’t know what happened to it.) And I’m marking that anniversary by going back to my very first post. Why am I starting this? Why am I starting this? Editorial note: This was my first post on my blogger, version 2.0…

  • Top posts for 2011

    Top 10 posts 1. Do you need a resume`? It depends. 2.Repairing a wet iPod Touch 3. Tim Hortons Arrives in Romeo 4. Christians and Gun Control 5. St. Patrick’s Day Prayer for Missionaries 6. 14 Must Have Gifts for the Geek in Your Life 7. TSA Resistance 8. SDSU: I Believe That We Will…

  • 3 Recent Writing Projects

    I’m a regular contributor at Slant 33. Here’s my latest post on knowing when to leave your current ministry position. I’m turning in one today on social media boundaries. On Thursday, Relevant Magazine published a recent post of mine called, “What to do when you fail.” It was fun to see my work on their…

  • Happy 7th Birthday,!

    On May 25th, 2004 I wrote a post called, “Why am I starting this?” Perhaps many people start a blog because they are trying to prove to the world just how smart they are? Perhaps others do it so they can feel like someone is listening to them? Perhaps others do it as a way…

  • The Light Went Off

    In January, I was consulting with a group of doctors who specialize in obesity education. As über intelligent people are prone to do, they were speaking in a high-level code language that reminded me of my systematic theology courses. To make it even more confusing they had just reviewed several recently released studies about obesity…

  • Highlighting a few friends blogs

    Here are three blogs worth checking out. Only one of them is a youth ministry blog, per se. But all of them have strong ties to a vibrant life with Jesus and in one way or another, they have done student ministry. More importantly they are all friends of mine and if you like my…

  • Being Good News

    Today’s video post is a synopsis of about 10 conversations I’ve had in the last 60 days. All of them get to the question, “Adam, something has changed inside of you. I like it sometimes and I don’t like it sometimes, what is it?” One thing I’ve learned to get comfortable with in the last…

  • How to Blog, Write, and Speak With Integrity

    Here’s a quick tutorial for how to blog, write, preach, or teach with integrity. Let’s say you’ve came across a blog post on Adam McLane’s blog that you really enjoy. In particular, you like something I’ve written to the point where it has inspired you to write your own blog post, magazine article, book, lesson…

  • Blogging Etiquette

    The last two years has brought a dramatic shift on the axis of the blogging community. With the wide adoption of social media consumption there are a lot fewer daily bloggers and a lot more micro-bloggers. The net result is a world full of newbies posting things online. With this huge shift comes a need…