Category: management

  • Business Models in the Church

    We celebrate businesses acting more like ministries. We love TOMS Shoes buy one give one mantra. We adore that Chic-fil-A is closed on Sunday in observance of the sabbath. We show all our friends that In-N-Out has bible verses stamped on the bottom of their cups. We got teary eyed watching Undercover Boss when the…

  • You’ve Got to Want It

    Ministry isn’t family friendly. I know people in youth ministry from the “biggest and best churches” in America. And I know people in youth ministry in the tiniest churches in America. And both people have the same complaints and struggles– ministry life sucks for family life. My response to that? So what? Cope and deal.…

  • 4 Things to Do With a Legit Opportunity

    Let’s face it, success is about being opportunistic. Here’s my simple outlook on opportunities. I’m thankful that I’ve made more right steps than wrong ones so far. But having the right outlook on the various ideas I’m presented with makes a huge difference. Pause to ask questions, hard ones. If you don’t ask how something…

  • How to write consistently for your blog

    I’ve written a series of articles for Immerse Journal describing a digital ministry philosophy for youth workers. The first article, called “Be Consistent” brought a lot of questions because I spent all 800 words talking about “why” to be consistent and it left many struggling readers with a burning question, “How can I be more…

  • You’ve got to finish

    My little football heart got broken last night. First, San Diego State gave up a touchdown with 50 seconds left to giveaway a victory to #25 Missouri. That would have been their best start in 30+ years. Then, a few hours later, Notre Dame gave up a silly trick play for a touchdown to lose…

  • The Pastor Man Up Movement

    The last few years has seen the popularization of something I refer to as the Pastor Man Up Movement. (PMUP) You hear things said, like “Pastor, if anyone is going to lead your church, it has to be you.” Or, “No one else in the church is called to lead more than you.” Or, “It’s…

  • Success Secret: Serve Your Way to the Top

    The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. I tell you the truth, when you were younger…

  • Curious Case of Bimbo vs. Ho Hos

    Sometimes a court case becomes a news item simply because of the parties involved. Such is the case of Bimbo USA filing an injunction against its own employee who wanted to leave his job as head muffin man to go work for rival Hostess. (Makers of Twinkees and Ho Hos) A news item involving Bimbo…

  • Innovating with an established ecosystem

    Starting a new organization is an entirely different task than innovating to change an existing organization. Both are hard. But changing and existing organization is way harder. For most of my career I’ve been in turnaround roles. Kristen and I have a little joke… My entire adult work life has seemed like one roller coaster…

  • Possessed

    When someone pitches an idea my mind is running through a matrix of questions. Is this really a good idea? Is the idea even possible? Is this the right person to turn this idea into a reality? Will enough people buy into the idea that it’ll take off? Is this the right time for this…