Category: Christian Living

  • Portrait of a Thriving Family

    So, to be a cover family of a thriving family, this must be what people are looking for… White Married Kids Middle-class Patriotic Dear Lord, I hope your portrait of a thriving family is much broader.  Its my prayer that Heaven is full of people who aren’t like me yet thrived in their life with…

  • Best of 2008

    Best of 2008

    Note: I’m on vacation this week. My family has a rule for daddy– It’s not a vacation if daddy brings a computer. Each day this week I’m highlighting my favorite post from the archives. These are oldies but goodies. “Who Are You Anyway?” Confession #1: I’ve gotten wrapped up in being called a leader.…

  • 5 Spiritual Lessons Learned from Gardening

    We are new gardeners. Our insane 2010 goal of either growing or buying 25% of our families food from a local farmers market has pushed us into a crash course in agriculture. In March and April we planted our second season of vegetables as well as double the amount of property dedicated to veggies. It’s…

  • Is it OK to talk about fasting?

    Is it OK to talk about fasting?

    A former student of mine posed a question on the Fast Tuesday groups discussion board that I thought was pretty interesting. I think there are differing opinions about Jesus’ instructions. She said, “Aren’t you supposed to fast in private?”

  • an epidemic and a miracle

    an epidemic and a miracle

    While Kristen and I were shopping at Taget tonight, I suddenly became aware that 90% of the people shopping alone in the store were happily yacking away on their cell phones. I thought to myself… how surreal is it that most of the people in this store are walking around telling people they are at…