Category: Church Leadership

  • 3 common responses to Megachurches

    There are a lot of responses to megachurches. You know, these are the really big churches in our country… some of them with more than 10,000 weekly attendees. One thing I’ve noticed is that Christians have a fascination with these places. Willow Creek, Saddleback, North Point,  Lakewood, etc. It seems as though everyone has an…

  • Interior Signs are Here

    This is something someone like me gets excited about. We ordered new interior signs for the church building… and they are here! The pictures here are from my phone so the quality doesn’t do them any justice. But when we get them mounted it’s going to look smoking cool. The big one of the left…

  • Pastors and Friendships

    Sometimes you come across a blog series and you are just in awe of it. So obvious. So true. Wish I had written it. Here’s a current series by Craig Groeschel of Craig speaks from 20+ years of experience as a pastor about something that is hard on a most of us, friendships. Part…

  • Is the Church Headed in the Wrong Direction?

    I want to talk about something that isn’t about my church. I want to react against something that I’m hearing about “the church.” As in, churches like ours on a national and worldwide level. The phrase I’m hearing is something like “The church is headed the wrong direction as they worry too much about being…

  • 30 Day Sex Challenge

    Relevant Church in Tampa, Florida has certainly attracted some media attention. Check out this challenge. “An openly edgy Christian church is launching what they’re calling a 30-Day Sex Challenge to help members improve their relationships and rediscover themselves.” “Single folks are to abstain from sex for 30 days…Married folks, on the other hand, are supposed…

  • Hope for Me Yet from Married Life

    I just featured this in the brand new weekly newsletter we’re sending out here at the church, and I want to share it with my readers since I know many of you are not yet on our e-mail list. This is our worship leader, Jimmy Savage, performing at our Married Life event last weekend. Feel…

  • My Ministry Dip: Gaining Traction

    It’s winter… so this is a metaphor that anyone can understand. At Romeo, our tires are getting traction. As I reflect back on the last few years of ministry (my primary work) I can’t help but see where we’ve come and where we are headed.

  • The Preference Wars of Church

    Perry Noble of NewSpring Church has a couple of funny, yet serious, points about heaven and the preference wars of church today. I was reading through Revelation a couple of weeks ago and I had this thought, “I really think that some people might not like heaven!” Especially when I got to Revelation 7:9-12…seriously, take…

  • I like it…

    I was sitting in the service today and I started thinking about things. I really like our service. I mean… sure, it’s not perfect, but I like it. Really, is there such a thing as “the perfect worship service?” I doubt that this side of heaven we won’t approach perfection. But right now I feel…

  • Brick and mortar vs. Digital media

    Tonight Kristen and I spent an hour walking around our local Barnes & Noble. Each time I go there I have a recurring vision for what I am supposed to do with my life. I’m a messenger. I believe God has placed me on this planet to convey a message. And the most important part…