Category: Church Leadership

  • A brand new

    It took several month to say this, but has a brand new look. This was the first project that the church has ever sent out to a web designer and I think it turned out awesome. Matt Adams, that guy is great to work with. If you ever need a WordPress theme totally custom…

  • The Blog Snap: Sometimes You Can’t Hold It In

    I know exactly how Chris Folmsbee feels. Chris is Chief Ministry officer at YouthFront and President of Sonlife. He’s a class act guy and is an excellent leader. Part of being a leader is sticking your neck out. And Chris has done that. He put the nail the coffin of a great, but dying youth…

  • From the MainStreet vault

    Some of these clips are for MainStreet tomorrow while others are for “web only.” But over all I thought this was some funny stuff.

  • Romeo Elves: Band Intro

  • Our Christmas wish list for the church

    Romeo Church Wish List At Romeo, we dream big. We believe God is using us to reach into our community to make a difference in people’s lives. (Not that other churches are not!) At Romeo, we have crazy faith. I think the two are kind of linked… but I digress. This year we’ve put together…

  • 7 days til Christmas

    With less than a week until the big day, there’s much still to do. We have the staff Christmas party tonight, the Light Force party tomorrow night, a small group party Friday night, a killer service on Sunday, and MainStreet on Monday. (We’re actually still trying to squeeze a family party in there somewhere with…

  • Attend Romeo? Take our survey!

    One of my side project is something we’re calling “The Invite Project.” (In other words, it doesn’t have a fancy name.) Basically, the church leadership is trying to learn how the people who attend our church feel our outreach efforts are going. Are we doing too much? Are we not doing enough? Are we trying…

  • Some elves painted the rock in Romeo

    Romeo has a “rock” that people paint to celebrate football victories, birthdays, and just about anything else deemed worth an hour or so of spray painting the 9 foot rock in front of KMart. Well, today was our turn to paint the rock. So Jimmy and I, dressed as elves of course, spent an hour…

  • Praise God for Jeanne Assam

    No matter what you think of having an armed security detail at a church, Jeanne Assam was at the right place at the right time. Praise God for her actions. I hope others see it in this news report… but God’s hand was all over protecting New Life on Sunday. It’s a miracle that the…

  • The Elves Are Coming

    Apparently the people of Romeo have never seen grown men dressed like elves before. Until today. As Jimmy and I were stopping to take pictures and waving in their cars and generally enjoying the sight. I have to say Jimmy looked pretty good as an elf. Let’s just say I have a lot of junk…