Category: news item

  • Boycott the Olympics?

    In the next few weeks there will be a growing public outcry for the United States and many other major nations to boycott the Olympic Games in Beijing. It bears refreshing our memory that China is, indeed, one of the worst human rights violators on the planet. Up until 2008 China was on the State…

  • Mike Wallace interviews Margaret Sanger

    Recently, the University of Texas in Austin released a video collection of interviews between Mike Wallace and various people during the late 1950s. These are truly fascinating to watch! But I wanted to point you to an interview he did with Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger. You may remember I spoke about her a few…

  • “A-Bomb” at FSU

    This story cracked me up. A 17 year old visiting the campus of Florida State University accidentally shut down parts of the campus as a briefcase left on or near his car was mistaken for an explosive device. The area was cordoned off, buildings evacuated, a command post set up, local fire departments and bomb…

  • PZ Myers vs. Ben Stein

    Patti just told me of “an interruption” during a media conference call with Ben Stein about his upcoming movie, “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed“ Apparently, PZ Myers was not invited to the “invite only” call but gained access to the access code through someone else. Patti will be writing about it more soon, but here is…

  • Is Planned Parenthood Racist?

    There is a lot of talk about a Presidential candidate and whether or not his pastor is a racist and if that makes the candidate a racist. Accepting money and support from extreme groups is very complicated. At the core of the problem is that it seemingly associates candidates with everything that group stands for.…

  • The Melt is On

    In the knick of time. With the easter egg hunt about 24 hours away, the melt is finally on in Romeo. According to our thermometer it only got to about 31 degrees last night and it is already 35 degrees. As long as the sun shines all day, we’re safe. With the forecast saying we…

  • Great quote

    No need for my commentary here, it speaks for itself. Put your coffee down before reading this sentence. CNN apologized today for getting on-air analysis of Gov. Spitzer’s legal options from a former U.S. Attorney who resigned after being accused of biting a stripper. HT to Boing Boing

  • “Parents do not have a constitutional right to homeschool their children”

    This is the quote of Justice H. Walter Croskey of the 2nd District of Appeals in California. In our short tenure in California we saw some of the dark sides of homeschooling. While I know there are fantastic parents who do an excellent job homeschooling their children I have also seen first hand the other…

  • Airborne Doesn’t Prevent the Common Cold

    Teachers swear by this product. It’s their secret weapon. Parents who found out about this secret weapon made it popular. What is it? It is Airborne. It prevents the common cold… or so people who took it swore. The claim has always been that Airborne kept you from getting sick. I’ve heard friends say, “I…

  • Buy a Good Lock for Your Luggage

    According to a recent Fox news story, the TSA knows that $31 million in items have been stolen from bags since the agency took over airport security. To highlight, here is how it goes down most often. The most dangerous time for your luggage is the time between your initial check-in and departure. Typically, just…