My life Since 2003
  • Put an End to the Billy Graham Rule

    Most Americans became aware of the Billy Graham Rule in 2017 when they learned that Vice President Mike Pence refuses to meet with women one-on-one.  For the record, I defended Mr. Pence’s right to take this position as it’s his own deeply held religious belief in the same way I’d defend any other religious person’s…

  • The Dark Side of Social Media: I told you so

    The Dark Side of Social Media: I told you so

    “Everything you post online is ultimately public.”  I’ve been saying this for years. I started saying this to teenagers and their parents back in the MySpace days.

  • My Response to Attempts to Twist Gun Control into a Conversation About Abortion

    A question posted to my Facebook wall solicited this response. Again, shared here to bring light on the GOP’s illusion of a “Pro-Life” agenda.  My question to you and many others is this – Why are we not fighting against abortion clinics and against those who support abortion the same way many are fighting against…

  • Another Rant on Christians and Guns

    Note: Sometimes I feel like I shouting into the wind. No one seems to care. But it breaks my heart to hear the response of so-called Christian leaders to mass shootings be the idea that they should arm themselves. Here’s what I posted on Twitter, added here for saving. Thread:

  • Creating Sacred Spaces in Your Daily Life

    Creating Sacred Spaces in Your Daily Life

    While I’m not a proponent of technology fasts, I find that having pre-determined places or times in my life where I just don’t use technology helps me maintain healthy boundaries for technology.

  • Trump’s wall is a dumb, dangerous idea

    Trump’s wall is a dumb, dangerous idea

    “What would stop a parent from crossing the border so she could provide for her children?” Nothing.

  • It’s electric – Our new car, the Honda Clarity

    It’s electric – Our new car, the Honda Clarity

    We did a thing.  Last night, Kristen and I brought home an electric car. Compared to our 13 year old minivan with 220,000 miles on it this car might as well be a spaceship.

  • Technology isn’t killing your teenager

    Technology isn’t killing your teenager

    I’ve been asked many, many times to respond to Jean Twenge’s borish, dystopian view on teenagers and technology widely shared over the summer in her piece in The Atlantic, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”

  • Rat Killer

    Rat Killer

    Rats have become a real problem in my garden. Over the summer they ate tons of tomatoes, melons, and watermelon. They constantly steal chicken feed. They are annoying and gross.

  • Why buying a car sucks

    Why buying a car sucks

    Last month we re-mortgaged our house without a single phone call, without a trip to a bank or meeting with a broker, without even leaving our home. We found the mortgage rate we wanted online. I filled out the forms mostly on my phone. The appraiser came to our house.  We uploaded documents. The closing…